Welcome dear readers, to yet another Saturday Tag, where the fun never stops!

Today I am joined by Laura and together we will complete this fun tag:



Martyna's hate list

Note: This is only my opinion, no one has influenced my choices! Everyone can like or dislike whatever they want

1. Book I regret reading the most.

Looking for Alaska. I honestly think, that Fault in Our Stars is the only  John Green  book that I like. I hated this book, absolutely hated it, and I punched all things around while reading it. So annoying, so annoying that I just want to forget I ever even saw it,

2. I would unread....

It has the word vampire in it so...enough said. I mean this book....you guys this book was just....a piece of stupidity top. I mean I was just laughing out loud because of how stupid and confusing it is. I mean this book is LOL

3. This author and I don't get along

Sarah J.Mass. I cannot get into her books, I think they're shallow, sex driven, women exploiting and just I cannot handle.

4. I would punch these characters:

Juliet and Celeana, or whatever her name is. If I could I would slap them with a chair so hard they're 'pretty little perfect beautiful unique strong yet fragile' face would fall off. I hate hate hate them. So annoying.

5. You hate it, I love it

Twilight. I can't explain, I know it's not a masterpiece, but team #Edward 4EVER!

6. You love it, I hate it 

 Every one told me this book is like the new IT thing, it's so great. It wasn't, it was bad and annoying and predictable and I am so sad I ever picked it up. 

7. I hate this fictional world

The world in this book was a total re-write of the X-Men universe and I just couldn't handle it. The characters were annoying and I didn't enjoy it one bit.
8. I love the first book, and hate the second

I started audiobook it and stopped because I just couldn't relate I dunno I just didn't want to keep reading it. I think it's more boring to me than annoying.

9. I hate the ending to this book

 I couldn't believe this book ended the way it did. Beyond stupid ending. You wouldn't even believe.

10. I would make this book disappear

This book needs to say bye bye, go and never ever come back again!!!!!!!

Laura's hate list

DISCLAIMER: This is my own opinion, mine only. I don't speak in behalf of the other blog admins.

1. Book I regret reading the most.

Throne of Glass. Not because I didn't like the first book, it's the only one I liked, but because once I got into the series it all went downhill and I'm still disappointed about it. I will never forget and I will never forgive.

2. I would unread....

A Court of Thorns and Roses. Why? Same reason. The first was okay but the second book I didn't like so I quit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and don't get me started on when she announced her series (both) to be like 6 books HAAAAAAHAHA.

3. This author and I don't get along

Sarah J. Maas. No surprise here, we just don't get along. Not for me, stay away. Bye.

4. I would punch these characters:

The Catcher in the Rye. I basically hated all the characters specially the protagonist and there was no plot whatsoever. Ugh, I hate this book.

5. You hate it, I love it

Allegiant. I'm pretty sure if I read it again now I wouldn't like it as much as the first time... but I wasn't terribly disappointed like many other people. To be honest the characters were becoming irritating so... the end? It wasn't that bad.

PS: I didn't like the odd coupling though.

6. You love it, I hate it

It's Kind of a Funny Story. I don't really hate it since I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 but it fits because the average it has on Goodreads is 4.14 which doesn't register in my head because hOW?

7. I hate this fictional world

Marked. It's a fantasy world with hidden vampires and I think the world itself is not that bad but these books, the whole series, are awful and the main character is even worse so if I lived there with them I think I would go bonkers.

8. I love the first book, and hate the second

Snow Like Ashes. First book? Pretty cool yeah, second book? One of the worst "second book syndrome" cases I've seen in a long time. Still... not completely hate because I gave it 2 stars.

9. I hate the ending to this book

Ruin and Rising. The third book of the Grisha trilogy. The first book? Loved it, the second? meh it got worse, the third? the ending was horrible. Nope, just nope.

10. I would make this book disappear

Lolita. I had a hard time deciding this... at first I thought about books written by dictators but at the end of the day they still contributed to history (hopefully to NOT repeat the same mistakes but we, humans, never learn) so I decided to go with this one. A book straight up about romanticized pedophilia yet people keep giving it 5 stars, not even to raise awareness about this or anything similar, but because they actually liked it and defend Humbert's actions. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? GTFO of life.

We hope you enjoyed the tag as much as we did  while doing it. Let us know what would books you hate!